Motobuys does not book directly to Hawaii or Alaska.  You can contact any freight forwarding company the west coast and we will ship to them with your name and reference/booking number attached to the bill of landing.

Simply contact Motobuys and we will give you the crate size and weight of your unit.  The customer will then contact the freight forwarding company with the dimensions. They will give the customer a quote and the customer will pay them directly 

The customer is 100% responsible for the cost of the shipment from the freight forwarding company to their home.  Any damage in shipping will be handled by the freight company and the customer.

Make sure to contact us first for dimensions and weights. Phone: 1-877-667-6289 or email:


Below are two freight forwarding companies our customers used for shipping to Hawaii. They are not related to Motobuys, and just referred by our customers.

Aloha freight

1800 South Anderson Avenue, Compton CA 90220
Tel: 310-631-6116
Customer Service:



19201 S Susana Rd, Compton, CA 90221

Phone: (310) 537-2000


For Shipments to Alaska

Samson Tug and Barge

6361 1st Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98108
Phone: (206) 767-7820
Fax: (206) 767-5358


Lyden Transport

Customer Service
Local: 253-926-7220
Seattle: 206-575-9520
National: 1-800-726-5702